Re: Newbie: Trouble Making Makefile Under windows 98 wi th Cygwin

From: Minturn.Del.PRC.Oceana (Del@PRCOceana.Corona.Navy.Mil)
Date: 05/25/00

I believe all these questions you asked have been answered many times.
First thing to learn before you dive into the code is where your resources
1. Circlemud mailing list archive is your first resource.
2. Second resource is and
3. Since your using windows to compile there is a web page(s) out there
   that has step by step compile/patch/etc.. information on it. Those pages
   can be found in the mailing list archive. (check the bottom for link to
4. If you can't find your answer in any of those, then ask on the list.
   Tell the list that you checked the above resources and could not find
   your answer. When asking for help, place as much relevent information as
   in the message (code, errors, explanations, what you tried, etc).

Sorry, but I don't do windows! :) Linux for mud all the way!

-----Original Message-----
From: Circle Discussion List []On Behalf Of
Paul Tidwell
Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2000 2:33 PM
Subject: [CIRCLE] Newbie: Trouble Making Makefile Under windows 98 with

I recently Downloaded the circlemud code base to place on my computer, I
have no coding expirence but with this mud I plan to learn how to code, My
friends suggest just staring at code for long periods of time and if i have
any brains eventually it will add up and i'll learn something, I think this
is pretty true, c isn't that far from normal and I'd probably understand it,
I'm not gonna lie on this either, i'm 14 years old so I'm pretty small and
new to this but i've used computers sense I was practicually 12, I have
almost no life and spent about 14 hours on every day, but this isn't really
what I came to ask about.

After downloading and extracting the code (Circle30bpl17) i got cygwin B20
(I think its version 2.0) to compile the code, a year ago I would have been
clueless on the help file but somehow this time threw I managed to at least
get configure running without any assistance. At first It told me it
couldn't bash configure or anything esle because it couldn't find the tmp
directory, so I made it, after sererval tries I found where it wanted the
directory (I actually ended up making one in every folder inside the cygwin
code), after sh configure ended, it reported the following

updating cache ./config.cache
creating ./config.status
configure: /bin/sh: No such file or directory

so I tried making sh directorys everywhere, and still no luck, I have no
idea whats wrong, to try and solve the problem I tried going back a few
versions to see if it might compile an older version of circlemud, no such
luck  (I went to patch level 11)

I also think I might face difficultys when I put in oasis olc, I want a auto
patch program, and I could use one, If I face errors i'll be sure to have
the code backed up eslewhere and i'll go threw on my own, I also need a text
editor that will let me skip to lines, like if the code was on line 1241, I
want to be able to set a command to jump to it, I know it won't be exact but
it would be helpful.
I don't check my e-mail too often but I will be now, if you have any ideas
it is easier to reach me at my aol im name: Neptune0011

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