Re: [CODE]Notify Snippet

From: The Merciless Lord of Everything (
Date: 01/18/01

On Thu, 18 Jan 2001, Lewis, Jason wrote:

> Would I just need to move the code to the end of the main game loop
> init_game or am I gonna have to rewrite the whole thing?
Eh, why not have this run by some external script stepping through the
syslog once the mud reboots? otherwise you'll get a new mail every time
there is a syserr, I don't think that is exactly practical (Imagine SYSERR
that repeats itself every second of runtime :) ).

I've done it so that I get seperate mails with God Commands, Wiznet,
SYSERR, Sells & Buys (useful to see when an object gets sold a lot :), and
so forth.. :) All written in perl though and pretty old too, so it's not
exactly nice in anyway. Perhaps I should submit it.. :) This of course
means I get around 10 mails when the mud crashes (that includes a mail
from GDB with backtracking), but on the other hand, I can go 14 days
without ever hearing anything from the mud :)


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