Re: Telnet Options and Terminal Interaction

From: Greg Buxton (
Date: 01/15/03

> > RFC 854 - Telnet Protocol Specification
> > RFC 1091 - Terminal Type
> > RFC 1073 - Negotiate About Window Size
> I knew it would come down to that in the end. I was just curious as
> to whether anyone successfully implemented the above standards in a
> Circle-derived MUD to that end, and if so would they be willing to
> share code? I'm lazy enough to avoid any wheel-reinventing given the
> opportunity, but this is basically what I will eventually wind up
> writing and releasing when time permits.

I'm not sure if it's so much having Circle coded with that in mind,
but how many mud clients have followed the specs/RFCs properly?

- Greg
Shadows of Amber

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