[PATCH] OLC 2.0.3 patch error: unexpected end of file

From: Vladimir Romanov (rovlad@ipbi.ru)
Date: 02/13/03

Hello there!

  I've downloaded and installed Cygnus GNU-Win32, CircleMUD 3.1 and
  Oasis OLC 2.0.3 patch. After copying patch file, patch.exe and
  cygwin.dll into circle-3.1 directory (containing
  bin/cnf/doc/lib/log/src folders) and execing "patch.exe < olc.patch"
  I get the following error:

  D:\MUD\fr\circle-3.1>patch < olc.patch
  Hmm...  Looks like a unified diff to me...
  The text leading up to this was:
  |diff -Npru circle-3.1/src/GenOLC.html oasis2.0.3/src/GenOLC.html
  |--- circle-3.1/src/GenOLC.html 1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
  |+++ oasis2.0.3/src/GenOLC.html 2003-01-27 21:53:06.000000000 +0100
  (Creating file GenOLC.html...)
  Patching file GenOLC.html using Plan A...
  patch: **** unexpected end of file in patch

  It also manages to create GenOLC.html file with no content (0KB
  size). Is there something I'm doing wrong? I'd really appreciate any
  help, as to handpatching 542KB of Oasis OLC into the code is a bit

Best regards,
 Vladimir                          mailto:rovlad@ipbi.ru

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