Re: [OasisOLC] Bug Reports

From: Marcel Honstraß (
Date: 03/01/03

Hi all,

I found something (on my OasisOLC Version), but i am not sure, whether you
would consider it a bug.

1.The following row of orders crushes the game on my machine.
redit, 2 Description, /c , @, q (Quit), yes, look

But probably you have a different OasisOLC Version - bot sure. Used more
unofficial patches.

I solved it this way.

void redit_disp_menu(struct descriptor_data *d)
sprinttype(room->sector_type, sector_types, buf2, sizeof(buf2));
+if (room->description == NULL) {
+       room->description = strdup("   unfinished...\r\n");
+       }

2. Should Room Room Flags like Atrium, OLC and * be setable? if not why not
forbid it?

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