Date: 04/02/94

Okay, here is what you've been waiting for: actual evidence that
Circle 3.0 exists.

Enclosed below is an excerpt from Circle 3.0's structs.h file.
It contains all the constants that world builders need in order
to start building worlds for Circle 3.0.

EVERYONE - please look at the flags listed, and tell me if there
are any that I forgot!  If you need more flags for Circle 3.0,
<<NOW>> is the time to say so.  Barring any objections, I'm going
to post this list to r.g.m.d and put it on the FTP site so that
people can start building for 3.0.

The spell list will follow soon.



/* The cardinal directions: used as index to room_data.dir_option[] */
#define NORTH          0
#define EAST           1
#define SOUTH          2
#define WEST           3
#define UP             4
#define DOWN           5

/* Room flags: used in room_data.room_flags */
/* WARNING: In the world files, NEVER set the bits marked "R" ("Reserved") */
#define ROOM_DARK		(1 << 0)   /* Dark			*/
#define ROOM_DEATH		(1 << 1)   /* Death trap		*/
#define ROOM_NOMOB		(1 << 2)   /* MOBs not allowed		*/
#define ROOM_INDOORS		(1 << 3)   /* Indoors			*/
#define ROOM_PEACEFUL		(1 << 4)   /* Violence not allowed	*/
#define ROOM_SOUNDPROOF		(1 << 5)   /* Shouts, gossip blocked	*/
#define ROOM_NOTRACK		(1 << 6)   /* Track won't go through	*/
#define ROOM_NOMAGIC		(1 << 7)   /* Magic not allowed		*/
#define ROOM_BFS_MARK		(1 << 8)   /* (R) breadth-first search	*/
#define ROOM_PRIVATE		(1 << 9)   /* Can't teleport in		*/
#define ROOM_GODROOM		(1 << 10)  /* LVL_GOD+ only allowed	*/
#define ROOM_HOUSE		(1 << 11)  /* (R) Room is a house	*/
#define ROOM_HOUSE_CRASH	(1 << 12)  /* (R) House needs saving	*/
#define ROOM_ATRIUM		(1 << 13)  /* (R) The door to a house	*/
#define ROOM_OLC		(1 << 14)  /* (R) Modifyable/!compress	*/

/* Exit info: used in room_data.dir_option.exit_info */
#define EX_ISDOOR		(1 << 0)   /* Exit is a door		*/
#define EX_CLOSED		(1 << 1)   /* The door is closed	*/
#define EX_LOCKED		(1 << 2)   /* The door is locked	*/
#define EX_PICKPROOF		(1 << 3)   /* Lock can't be picked	*/

/* Sector types: used in room_data.sector_type */
#define SECT_INSIDE          0		   /* Indoors			*/
#define SECT_CITY            1		   /* In a city			*/
#define SECT_FIELD           2		   /* In a field		*/
#define SECT_FOREST          3		   /* In a forest		*/
#define SECT_HILLS           4		   /* In the hills		*/
#define SECT_MOUNTAIN        5		   /* On a mountain		*/
#define SECT_WATER_SWIM      6		   /* Swimmable water		*/
#define SECT_WATER_NOSWIM    7		   /* Water - need a boat	*/

/* Positions */
#define POS_DEAD       0	/* dead			*/
#define POS_MORTALLYW  1	/* mortally wounded	*/
#define POS_INCAP      2	/* incapacitated	*/
#define POS_STUNNED    3	/* stunned		*/
#define POS_SLEEPING   4	/* sleeping		*/
#define POS_RESTING    5	/* resting		*/
#define POS_SITTING    6	/* sitting		*/
#define POS_FIGHTING   7	/* fighting		*/
#define POS_STANDING   8	/* standing		*/

/* Mobile flags: used by char_data.char_specials.act */
#define MOB_SPEC         (1 << 0)  /* Mob has a callable spec-proc	*/
#define MOB_SENTINEL     (1 << 1)  /* Mob should not move		*/
#define MOB_SCAVENGER    (1 << 2)  /* Mob picks up stuff on the ground	*/
#define MOB_ISNPC        (1 << 3)  /* (R) Automatically set on all Mobs	*/
#define MOB_NICE_THIEF   (1 << 4)  /* Mob scolds, not hits, thieves	*/
#define MOB_AGGRESSIVE   (1 << 5)  /* Mob hits players in the room	*/
#define MOB_STAY_ZONE    (1 << 6)  /* Mob shouldn't wander out of zone	*/
#define MOB_WIMPY        (1 << 7)  /* Mob flees if severely injured	*/
#define MOB_AGGR_EVIL	 (1 << 8)  /* auto attack evil PC's		*/
#define MOB_AGGR_GOOD	 (1 << 9)  /* auto attack good PC's		*/
#define MOB_AGGR_NEUTRAL (1 << 10) /* auto attack neutral PC's		*/
#define MOB_MEMORY	 (1 << 11) /* remember attackers if attacked	*/
#define MOB_HELPER	 (1 << 12) /* attack PCs fighting other NPCs	*/
#define MOB_NOCHARM	 (1 << 13) /* Mob can't be charmed		*/
#define MOB_NOSUMMON	 (1 << 14) /* Mob can't be summoned		*/
#define MOB_NOSLEEP	 (1 << 15) /* Mob can't be slept		*/
#define MOB_NOTRACK	 (1 << 16) /* Mob can't be tracked		*/

/* Affect bits: used in char_data.char_specials.saved.affected_by */
/* WARNING: In the world files, NEVER set the bits marked "R" ("Reserved") */
#define AFF_BLIND             (1 << 0)	   /* (R) Char is blind		*/
#define AFF_INVISIBLE         (1 << 1)	   /* Char is invisible		*/
#define AFF_DETECT_ALIGN      (1 << 2)	   /* Char is sensitive to align*/
#define AFF_DETECT_INVIS     (1 << 3)	   /* Char can see invis chars  */
#define AFF_DETECT_MAGIC      (1 << 4)	   /* Char is sensitive to magic*/
#define AFF_SENSE_LIFE        (1 << 5)	   /* Char can sense hidden life*/
#define AFF_WATERWALK	      (1 << 6)	   /* Char can walk on water	*/
#define AFF_SANCTUARY         (1 << 7)	   /* Char protected by sanct.	*/
#define AFF_GROUP             (1 << 8)	   /* (R) Char is grouped	*/
#define AFF_CURSE             (1 << 9)	   /* Char is cursed		*/
#define AFF_INFRAVISION       (1 << 10)	   /* Char can see in dark	*/
#define AFF_POISON            (1 << 11)	   /* (R) Char is poisoned	*/
#define AFF_SLEEP             (1 << 12)	   /* (R) Char magically asleep	*/
#define AFF_PROTECT_EVIL      (1 << 13)	   /* Char protected from evil  */
#define AFF_PROTECT_GOOD      (1 << 14)	   /* Char protected from good  */
#define AFF_SNEAK             (1 << 15)	   /* Char can move quietly	*/
#define AFF_HIDE              (1 << 16)	   /* Char is hidden		*/
#define AFF_CHARM             (1 << 17)	   /* Char is charmed		*/

/* Character equipment positions: used as index for[] */
/* NOTE: Don't confuse these constants with the ITEM_ bitvectors
   which control the valid places you can wear a piece of equipment */
#define WEAR_LIGHT      0
#define WEAR_FINGER_R   1
#define WEAR_FINGER_L   2
#define WEAR_NECK_1     3
#define WEAR_NECK_2     4
#define WEAR_BODY       5
#define WEAR_HEAD       6
#define WEAR_LEGS       7
#define WEAR_FEET       8
#define WEAR_HANDS      9
#define WEAR_ARMS      10
#define WEAR_SHIELD    11
#define WEAR_ABOUT     12
#define WEAR_WAIST     13
#define WEAR_WRIST_R   14
#define WEAR_WRIST_L   15
#define WIELD          16
#define HOLD           17

#define NUM_WEARS      18	/* This must be the # of eq positions!! */

/* object-related defines ********************************************/

/* Item types: used by obj_data.obj_flags.type_flag */
#define ITEM_LIGHT      1		/* Item is a light source	*/
#define ITEM_SCROLL     2		/* Item is a scroll		*/
#define ITEM_WAND       3		/* Item is a wand		*/
#define ITEM_STAFF      4		/* Item is a staff		*/
#define ITEM_WEAPON     5		/* Item is a weapon		*/
#define ITEM_FIREWEAPON 6		/* Unimplemented		*/
#define ITEM_MISSILE    7		/* Unimplemented		*/
#define ITEM_TREASURE   8		/* Item is a treasure, not gold	*/
#define ITEM_ARMOR      9		/* Item is armor		*/
#define ITEM_POTION    10 		/* Item is a potion		*/
#define ITEM_WORN      11		/* Unimplemented		*/
#define ITEM_OTHER     12		/* Misc object			*/
#define ITEM_TRASH     13		/* Trash - shopkeeps won't buy	*/
#define ITEM_TRAP      14		/* Unimplemented		*/
#define ITEM_CONTAINER 15		/* Item is a container		*/
#define ITEM_NOTE      16		/* Item is note 		*/
#define ITEM_DRINKCON  17		/* Item is a drink container	*/
#define ITEM_KEY       18		/* Item is a key		*/
#define ITEM_FOOD      19		/* Item is food			*/
#define ITEM_MONEY     20		/* Item is money (gold)		*/
#define ITEM_PEN       21		/* Item is a pen		*/
#define ITEM_BOAT      22		/* Item is a boat		*/
#define ITEM_FOUNTAIN  23		/* Item is a fountain		*/

/* Take/Wear flags: used by obj_data.obj_flags.wear_flags */
#define ITEM_TAKE		(1 << 0)  /* Item can be takes		*/
#define ITEM_WEAR_FINGER	(1 << 1)  /* Can be worn on finger	*/
#define ITEM_WEAR_NECK		(1 << 2)  /* Can be worn around neck 	*/
#define ITEM_WEAR_BODY		(1 << 3)  /* Can be worn on body 	*/
#define ITEM_WEAR_HEAD		(1 << 4)  /* Can be worn on head 	*/
#define ITEM_WEAR_LEGS		(1 << 5)  /* Can be worn on legs	*/
#define ITEM_WEAR_FEET		(1 << 6)  /* Can be worn on feet	*/
#define ITEM_WEAR_HANDS		(1 << 7)  /* Can be worn on hands	*/
#define ITEM_WEAR_ARMS		(1 << 8)  /* Can be worn on arms	*/
#define ITEM_WEAR_SHIELD	(1 << 9)  /* Can be used as a shield	*/
#define ITEM_WEAR_ABOUT		(1 << 10) /* Can be worn about body 	*/
#define ITEM_WEAR_WAIST 	(1 << 11) /* Can be worn around waist 	*/
#define ITEM_WEAR_WRIST		(1 << 12) /* Can be worn on wrist 	*/
#define ITEM_WIELD		(1 << 13) /* Can be wielded		*/
#define ITEM_HOLD		(1 << 14) /* Can be held		*/

/* Extra object flags: used by obj_data.obj_flags.extra_flags */
#define ITEM_GLOW          (1 << 0)	/* Item is glowing		*/
#define ITEM_HUM           (1 << 1)	/* Item is humming		*/
#define ITEM_NORENT        (1 << 2)	/* Item cannot be rented	*/
#define ITEM_NODONATE      (1 << 3)	/* Item cannot be donated	*/
#define ITEM_NOINVIS	   (1 << 4)	/* Item cannot be made invis	*/
#define ITEM_INVISIBLE     (1 << 5)	/* Item is invisible		*/
#define ITEM_MAGIC         (1 << 6)	/* Item is magical		*/
#define ITEM_NODROP        (1 << 7)	/* Item is cursed: can't drop	*/
#define ITEM_BLESS         (1 << 8)	/* Item is blessed		*/
#define ITEM_ANTI_GOOD     (1 << 9)	/* Not usable by good people	*/
#define ITEM_ANTI_EVIL     (1 << 10)	/* Not usable by evil people	*/
#define ITEM_ANTI_NEUTRAL  (1 << 11)	/* Not usable by neutral people	*/
#define ITEM_NOMAGE	   (1 << 12)	/* Not usable by mages		*/
#define ITEM_NOCLERIC	   (1 << 13)	/* Not usable by clerics	*/
#define ITEM_NOTHIEF	   (1 << 14)	/* Not usable by thieves	*/
#define ITEM_NOWARRIOR	   (1 << 15)	/* Not usable by warriors	*/

/* Modifier constants used with obj affects ('A' fields) */
#define APPLY_NONE              0	/* No effect			*/
#define APPLY_STR               1	/* Apply to strength		*/
#define APPLY_DEX               2	/* Apply to dexterity		*/
#define APPLY_INT               3	/* Apply to constitution	*/
#define APPLY_WIS               4	/* Apply to wisdom		*/
#define APPLY_CON               5	/* Apply to constitution	*/
#define APPLY_CHA		6	/* Apply to charisma		*/
#define APPLY_CLASS             7	/* Reserved			*/
#define APPLY_LEVEL             8	/* Reserved			*/
#define APPLY_AGE               9	/* Apply to age			*/
#define APPLY_CHAR_WEIGHT      10	/* Apply to weight		*/
#define APPLY_CHAR_HEIGHT      11	/* Apply to height		*/
#define APPLY_MANA             12	/* Apply to max mana		*/
#define APPLY_HIT              13	/* Apply to max hit points	*/
#define APPLY_MOVE             14	/* Apply to max move points	*/
#define APPLY_GOLD             15	/* Reserved			*/
#define APPLY_EXP              16	/* Reserved			*/
#define APPLY_AC               17	/* Apply to Armor Class		*/
#define APPLY_ARMOR            17	/* Synonym for APPLY_AC		*/
#define APPLY_HITROLL          18	/* Apply to hitroll		*/
#define APPLY_DAMROLL          19	/* Apply to damage roll		*/
#define APPLY_SAVING_PARA      20	/* Apply to save throw: paralz	*/
#define APPLY_SAVING_ROD       21	/* Apply to save throw: rods	*/
#define APPLY_SAVING_PETRI     22	/* Apply to save throw: petrif	*/
#define APPLY_SAVING_BREATH    23	/* Apply to save throw: breath	*/
#define APPLY_SAVING_SPELL     24	/* Apply to save throw: spells	*/

/* Some different kind of liquids for use in values of drink containers */
#define LIQ_WATER      0
#define LIQ_BEER       1
#define LIQ_WINE       2
#define LIQ_ALE        3
#define LIQ_DARKALE    4
#define LIQ_WHISKY     5
#define LIQ_LEMONADE   6
#define LIQ_FIREBRT    7
#define LIQ_LOCALSPC   8
#define LIQ_SLIME      9
#define LIQ_MILK       10
#define LIQ_TEA        11
#define LIQ_COFFE      12
#define LIQ_BLOOD      13
#define LIQ_SALTWATER  14

/* Container flags - value[1] */
#define CONT_CLOSEABLE      (1 << 0)	/* Container can be closed	*/
#define CONT_PICKPROOF      (1 << 1)	/* Container is pickproof	*/
#define CONT_CLOSED         (1 << 2)	/* Container is closed		*/
#define CONT_LOCKED         (1 << 3)	/* Container is locked		*/

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