Re: Source Code

From: VampLestat (
Date: 10/03/94

On Sun, 2 Oct 1994, Joseph Walker wrote:

> Could someone please tell me how to implement the scan and attribute commands
> in circle? And how would one go about adding more classes or races? Thanks..

I think there was a doc posted a while back about adding classes.  

> (p.s. Circ3 crashed a few times when trying to vstat some mobs in new levels
> that I added in.. Does anyone have the OLC for circ3 yet?)

No, OLC is NOT yet availble for Circle.  Read the Docs please.

The current public release of CircleMUD is version 3.00 beta patchlevel 4.

This is BETA software, meaning:

        OLC is not finished and is not included in this beta release.
        Some of the spells don't work correctly.
        There will probably still be some system incompatibilities since
                I have not exhaustively tested the software on platforms
                other than the one I use for development (currently a
                Sparc 10 running SunOS 4.1.3).
        There will probably be some bugs.
        Most of the utilities don't work yet since I haven't ported them
                from Circle 2.20.
        There is not yet any software to convert from 2.20 playerfiles
                to the 3.0 format.
        The documentation is still very incomplete.
        The playerfile and other binary file formats are subject to
                change between now and the full production release.
        Certain things just haven't been written yet; i.e. saving aliases.
        THIS RELEASE IS UNSUPPORTED.  Do not run a MUD with it!

[snip snip]

Ryan L. Watkins                             e-mail:
System Administrator                        url   :
Academic Computing Services, CSU Long Beach pgpkey: finger

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