Re: Price weapons

Date: 06/16/95

I think you're dramatically over-pricing some things.  Also, make
objects have an extra field of what they're mainly made of.  This is how 
it'd work (in a nutshell):

struct metal_type 	{
char *	name;
int 	add_cost;
sh_int  add_dice;
sh_int  add_sides;
sh_int  add_weight;

const struct	metal_type	metal_table[MAX_METALS]	= {
	{ "Gold"	,  500, 2, 4, 	10 },

#define MAX_METALS	number-of-metals

Then add in the four values where needed, and add the object metal type 
where-ever you see fit.

Also, a possably quicker and more hard-coded (memory saving?) way to get 
prices: <dice> * <sides> * 100 + metal_table[obj->metal].add_cost

And for every magical point added, add 500.

Name: plain dagger (normal metal) [1d6]
Cost: 600 + 0

Name: golden dagger (gold) [1d6]
Cost: 600 + 500 = 1100

Name: magical golden dagger (gold) [1d6] [+2 HIT] [+2 DAM]
Cost: 600 + 500 = 1100 + (500*4) = 1100 + 2000 = 3100

Another thought, more pseudo-pseudo-code, and something else worthy of 

 "I just might be abnormal enough to survive" - The Tick
 "Lets cheat death together" - Captain Kirk (Star Trek: Generations)
 (Crimson Realms @ 1234)

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