Re: Abbreviations..

From: Belgian Underground Mud (
Date: 06/20/95

On Tue, 20 Jun 1995, Richard Stewart wrote:

> Hi, I was working on a way to make Circle mud accept abbreviations for 
> just about anything (eg instead of kill peacekeeper.. it's kill pea .. 
> same for object and NPC/PC).. Well I wondered if anyone else has done 
> this yet.. The way I am using at the moment is by adding :
>    if (is_abbrev(curstr,curname))           <- thats all!
>         return (1);

You should check the WHOLE character list, cause if you have a mob named 
wallybangbang and another named wallybang, and the former is first in the 
list, you can never specify wallybang...

|    I t ' s   n o t   a   b u g ,   i t ' s   a   f e a t u r e ! ! !  |
| BUG Mud - Belgian UnderGround         3555 |
|  Imps : Charlotte, Gekke,            If you can't connect, email to : |
|         Hymy, Mentat and Wodan     |
|  Thanx to SunGoku...                  Subject : frontdoor             |

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