re: Long item-list fix

From: Giao H Phan (
Date: 06/22/95

Daniel [Trice] Koepke wrote:
> On Mon, 19 Jun 1995, Phil Priston wrote:
> > I have given this some thought but you are gonna need to use some 
> > very impressive gramma controlling code, just look at the example you 
> > give...
> > A is turned into Three:
> > 	This is the easy part...
> > Coat becomes Coats:
> > 	Ok this COULD be done...
> > is lying here becomes are lying here...
> > 	All of a sudden tbis gets a little complicated...
> > 	We are in the relms of an  english language parser like those used 
> > in gramma checkers here.... you wanna write one for circle? *grin*
> You are incorrect in this assumption (sorry for being blunt).
> Since for the count, you need to have an int, short int, something that 
> keeps track of how many, it makes it possible, but the idea I used and 
> implemented in my MUD server is plural and plural-long descriptions and,
> in actuality, the "is"->"are" is very simple.
> (count == 1 "is" : "are")
> So, where's the grammar checker?  I fail to see at all where you'd need a 
> grammar checker, considering all your changing is "is" to "are" if 
> there's more than one..

one word: octopus


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