Re: patch

From: David E. Berthiaume Jr. (
Date: 08/19/95

> welp the patch worked sorta
> The Mud runs fine and dandy until I try to put a mob program in somewhere
> then it tells me bad mobprogram
> I copied the fido example it gives ya but it wouldnt work either
> is there someone out there who can come over here or something and show 
> me what I am doing wrong or fix whats going wrong?
> I am about sick of this entire patch buisness
I get the same problem
even if I take 'stock' circle 2.2 and the circle 2.2 mobprog I get this 
SYSERR: fread_string: format error at or near Mobprog for mob #2
and that is useing the fido example.

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