A weird problem...

From: corey hoitsma (choitsma@netcom.com)
Date: 12/04/95

	Hello all:)

	I just got the CircleMUD 3.0 bpl8 release, and I compiled it...
	No problems there..

	But then, the README and running.doc said to run 'autorun'
	in the root dir of the circle program...

	Well, I did that, but it says command not found!

	And it's right there! I meant when I dir I get:

-rw-------  1 choitsma     5143 May 18  1995 FAQ
-rw-------  1 choitsma     5062 May 19  1995 README
-rw-------  1 choitsma     2345 Apr 10  1995 README-BETA
-rwx------  1 choitsma      270 Mar  6  1995 automaint
-rwx------  1 choitsma     1578 May 18  1995 autorun
	-= SNIP! (took the dirs out) SNIP! =-

	But even when I type: autorun &
	I can't get it to run!

	Can anyone help me out on this? 


            ____  ___ ___  ___ ___ _  _ _____
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     ______| |_) | _|\__ \ (__| _|| .` | | |__________________
    / __________/|___|___/\___|___|_|\_| |___________________ \
   / /                                                        \ \
  | |   Corey Hoitsma             'Anyone have an ascii        | |
  | |                              picture to put here?'       | |
  | |   Alias: Myrddin                                         | |
  | |                                                          | |
  | |             -= Anyone for a modem game? (303) =-         | |
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    \____________________________, _ \ | | | |  | __/ _________/
                                 |   / |_| | |__| _|\__ \

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