Re: Flight, Horses and Boats

From: Rasmus R\xnlev (
Date: 02/20/96

On Tue, 20 Feb 1996, Circle 3.0 mud account (source edit only) wrote:

> Hello, all.  I've been wondering for quite some time about how I might be
> able to code something that allows players to have riding animals, horses,
> say and mount them and basically ride across the whole circle world.

Well, my fellow Imps are hooked on this idea too. I havent made this yet, 
so when/if you get the code i'd like a copy if I may :)

> If anyone has some code on how to do this (the flying idea too :) i'd love
> to see it but if not i might just go ahead and write it.

Well, I made some code including a mage spell called FLY, basically what 
I did was to add an AFF_FLY field, and then in the perform_move (or 
somewhere around that) add some checks for rooms that were ROOM_AIR (or 
whatever you call it :). I allso made the movement cost lower (actually 
none), by modifying the same piece of code (perform_move).

Hope this helps.


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