Archer spec_proc

From: Sammy (
Date: 05/02/96

I got a couple of requests for an archer spec_proc last week while it was 
being discussed here so I'm posting it as promised.  It's not too big 
but I apologize if it annoys anyone :)

I tried to make it as generic and flexible as possible.  I set some rooms 
up as an example, so if you use this code unchanged, and assign the proc 
to cityguards, then if they stand inside the east or west gate of 
midgaard (where you can usually find at least one or two), any PC within
2 rooms outside the gate will be fired on randomly.  You can easily 
change the -1 rooms to the rooms 3 away from the guards, and if you want 
to fire on more than 3 rooms from a single archer room you'll have to 
extend the array.

If you're standing in the same room as the archer, you'll see the 
hit/miss messages.  This wasn't intended at first, but it could provide 
some entertainment for players who hang out with the guards and place 
bets on who gets hit next :)

If you have any questions feel free to mail me :)


#define NUM_ARCHERS      2		/* # of rooms archers can shoot from */
#define NUM_TARGETS      3		/* # of rooms an archer can shoot at */
#define HIT_CHANCE       30		/* accuracy 30% chance to hit */
#define ARCHER_NUM_DICE  2		/*  archer damage dice */
#define ARCHER_SIZE_DICE 5		/*  archer does 2d5 each hit */
  struct char_data *targ;
  int i, j, k;

  sh_int to_from_rooms[NUM_ARCHERS][NUM_TARGETS + 1] = {
   /* archer room     target room #1     #2       #3 */
      { 3040,	           3052,        6092,     -1},   /* archer room #1 */
      { 3041,		   3053,	3503,     -1}	 /* room #2 */

  char *mssgs[] = {
    "You feel a sharp pain in your side as an arrow finds its mark!",
    "You hear a dull thud as an arrow pierces $N!",
    "An arrow whistles by your ear, barely missing you!",
    "An arrow narrowly misses $N!"

    return FALSE;

    return FALSE;

  for(i = 0; i < NUM_ARCHERS; i++) {
    if(real_room(to_from_rooms[i][0]) == ch->in_room) {
      for(j = 1; j <= NUM_TARGETS; j++) {
	if((k = real_room(to_from_rooms[i][j])) >= 0) {
	  for(targ = world[k].people; targ; targ = targ->next_in_room) {
	    if(!IS_NPC(targ) && (GET_LEVEL(targ) < LVL_IMMORT) &&
	      (!number(0, 4))) {
	      if(number(1, 100) <= HIT_CHANCE) {
		act(mssgs[0], 1, ch, 0, targ, TO_VICT);
		act(mssgs[1], 1, ch, 0, targ, TO_NOTVICT);
		return TRUE;
	      } else {
		act(mssgs[2], 1, ch, 0, targ, TO_VICT);
		act(mssgs[3], 1, ch, 0, targ, TO_NOTVICT);
		return TRUE;
  return FALSE;

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