RE: OasisOLC. . .crash and burn

From: Con (
Date: 05/02/96

On Thu, 2 May 1996, moron wrote:

> suggestions?  Has anyone had better luck with Obuild on SunOS 4.1.3?  That
> So, any suggestions for how to get a stable OLC happening (Obuild or Oasis
> or ???) would be greatly appreciated.

Well, you're just as lucky as me *sigh*
The problem is, that SunOS is very 'secure' so it segfaults every two 
secconds if something is even close to 'possibly illegal'.
You should check the save_to_disk routines in the OasisOLC all %s' should 
have the  x ? y : z stuff.. Well, don't ask if you don't know :)

I know Rv. is working on a bugfix wich you might be able to get hold of 
soon, who knows.. 


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