Tip for the newbies that want classes that have skills and magic

From: Jarratt (jazz@hal9000.net.au)
Date: 05/11/96

Hi ya,

Not saying this is the best way to go about things - but I found it much
easier to make classes that can have skills and spells by changing the
check for class for a skill eg. kick, to a check to see if the character
has knowledge of the skill(yeah I read a posting that ya didnt even have 
to do that - but I personally like having a message that tells a character
they dont know that skill at all... not having them attempt it and 
failing - Its just my personaly preference ie. others dont have to like 
it :))..... Anyway, if you dont know how to do this - just send me some
mail or ask me to post it the mail-list.  Otherwise Im not going to 
bother taking up bandwidth :)
| Of all the things I have lost in life... I miss my mind the most... |
| So, just parse me another martini, Kernel...                        |
| *gaggle* I just saw a goose.. a mother goose..                      | 
      _)                __ \  |          |  _ \   \    \    \
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       |\__,_|___|___| \__,_|_| _|\__,_|_|  _/ \__/ \__/ \__/.NET.AU
    __/               \____/

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