Re: NEWBIE: Change levels (not the normal stuff)
Date: 05/19/96

C. Hoitsma wrote:
> 	I have changed the stock levels to 100 mortal and 10
> 	immort levels. And the exp I use for each is to
> 	high for the int that exp is assigned with.. I keep getting:
> class.c:712: warning: integer constant out of range
> class.c:712: warning: decimal constant is so large that it is unsigned
> class.c:713: warning: integer constant out of range
> class.c:713: warning: decimal constant is so large that it is unsigned
> 	forever and ever. SO, I went into stucts.h and changed the
> 		int exp;
> 	lines to:
> 		long exp;
> 	That's what I've been told anyways... and then I went thru all the
> 	code and changed all the %d's for GET_EXP to %ld. and that works..
> 	but when I recompile, class.c STILL gives me all thoughs warnings..
> 	any idea why?
> 	Thanks!

	Also look in the struct title_type stuff, it should be something 
like this:

struct title_type
char M_title;
char F_title;
int exp
or something like that.... You need to change that int to a long also...

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