Re: Saving poofin/outs...

From: Marcelo Valle Moreira (
Date: 05/29/96

> >Sorry if this is a stupid question, but I'm just curious as to what I need
> >to do to get poofins to save.  I realize poofins are similar in respect to
> >aliases in that they are not a structure in the pfile.  So, to get them to
> >save, I could put a char poofin and char poofout in the pfile, which of
> >course would corrupt the pfile and would require a wipe, correct?
> >>>>>>>SNIP!!<<<<
> I would be interested in adding them to the PFile. If someone has a patch or 
> somethin.. or just point me in the right direction..
> I got no players.. therefore a PFILE wipe is no problem..

	add the structures.... go to structs.h and edit the players struct
	add chars like poofin/poofout.
	I think you can track the errors trying to compile, and it'll be a good experience, if you interested =o)


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