Re: Saving poofin/outs...

From: Thomas Pedersen (
Date: 05/29/96

Why bother, just make and alias.

alias pf poofin blah; poofout blah.

Or is it too much to write pf every time you log in ? :)

(or even make that alias call automatic at logintime, not too much work.)

On Wed, 29 May 1996, Ron Hensley wrote:

> > Sorry if this is a stupid question, but I'm just curious as to what I need
> > to do to get poofins to save.  I realize poofins are similar in respect to
> > aliases in that they are not a structure in the pfile.  So, to get them to
> > save, I could put a char poofin and char poofout in the pfile, which of
> > course would corrupt the pfile and would require a wipe, correct?
> Wrong thankfully :) Yeah if you used the pfile it would require a wipe, 
> as theres only free bytes and ints etc in there, no room for big long 
> string buffers
> > Is there an easier way to do the poof saving _without_ needing a pfile
> > wipe, maybe incorporate it into alias saving (I have added the alias saving
> > code to 3.0 bpl11)??
> Ive done this exact thing. Actully I just took the alias.c code and 
> hacked my own extras.c based on it. But your right, would be easiest just 
> to add a line to read_aliases and write_aliases
> Heres what i did though: Note this is done so i can add lots of things to 
> this file without affecting the game at all. 
> /**********  extras.c     ************/
> #include <stdio.h>
> #include <stdlib.h>
> #include <string.h>
> #include <unistd.h>
> #include "structs.h"
> #include "utils.h"
> #include "interpreter.h"
> void write_extras(struct char_data *ch)
> {
>   FILE *file;
>   char fn[127];
>   get_filename(GET_NAME(ch),fn,EXTRAS_FILE);
>   unlink(fn);
>   if(POOFIN(ch) == NULL && POOFOUT(ch) == NULL)
>     return;
>   if ( (file = fopen(fn,"wt")) == NULL)
>     return;
>   if (POOFIN(ch) != NULL) {
>     fprintf(file,"|1\n");
>     fprintf(file,"%s\n",POOFIN(ch));
>   }
>   if (POOFOUT(ch) != NULL) {
>     fprintf(file,"|2\n");
>     fprintf(file,"%s\n",POOFOUT(ch));
>   }
>   fclose(file);
> } 
> void read_extras(struct char_data *ch)
> {
>   FILE *file;
>   char fn[127], buf[127];   
>   char temp_buf[127];
>   get_filename(GET_NAME(ch),fn,EXTRAS_FILE);
>   file = fopen(fn,"r");
>   if( !file )
>     return;
>   while (fgets(temp_buf,80,file)) {
>      /* Yeah i was lazy at the time, this could be a strcmp()
>     if (temp_buf[0] == '|' && temp_buf[1] == '1') {
>       fgets(temp_buf,80,file);
>       sprintf(buf,"poofin %s", temp_buf);
>       command_interpreter(ch, buf);
>     }
>     if (temp_buf[0] == '|' && temp_buf[1] == '2') {
>       fgets(temp_buf,80,file);
>       sprintf(buf, "poofout %s", temp_buf);
>       command_interpreter(ch, buf);
>     }
>   }
>   fclose(file);
> }
> /******************************************/
> in utils.c
> to the int get_filename() function, add:
>   case EXTRAS_FILE:
>     prefix = "plrextras";
>     suffix = "extras";
>     break;
> to utils.h, add
>   #define EXTRAS_FILE     3
> Then is interpreter.c, in the function nanny, in the case '1' where the 
> player enters the game, add an 
>   read_extras();
> right before the 
>   break;
> and in act.other.c in ACMD(do_save), add an:
>   write_extras();
> mines right before
>   save_char(ch, NOWHERE);
> add extras.c to Makefile
> create mud/lib/plrextras
>  A-E
>  F-J
>  K-O
>  P-T
>  U-Z
>  ZZZ
> Hope thats about it, gives you the generally idea though.
> uses line labels 'l1' and 'l2' in the file so when reading back in you 
> can tell if theres only an poofoit and no poofin or vice versa
> So easy enough to add anything at all in there, with more line labels
> Im sure theres better ways to do it, but hey ....... it works
>     *******************************************************************
>     *   Ron Hensley                              *
>     *   Junior Systems Administrator       *
>     *   DelMarVa OnLine                 749-1111 Ext. 403             *
>     *******************************************************************


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