Win95 Circle3.0 build 11

From: Tarot (
Date: 05/31/96

Ok, here is what I got.  Almost stock code, I have added a few wiz commands
and OLC.  It compiles fine with MSVC++4.1.  It runs fine over a dial-up

My questions:
Is there a way to capture the syslog to disk?  Right now the syslog echos to
the window and as it scrolls up is lost.  I same question for the crash log.

Is there a way to add errorlevels to the shutdown command?  This would be
for using a batch file to keep the mud running.

Please take into consideration that I am just starting to learn C and right
now need very detailed instructions.  I am still having trouble with things
like add void whaterver. (add it where????)

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