[ Implementor ]

From: Brian Williams (bmw@efn.org)
Date: 06/03/96

here is what I got...
if (GET_LEVEL(tch) >= LVL_IMPL) {
      sprintf(buf, "[Implementor] %s %s",
              GET_NAME(tch), GET_TITLE(tch)); 				    || 	
    } else {						Normal who listings vv
      num_can_see++;							<-----	
      sprintf(buf, "%s[%2d %s] %s %s",					<-----
              (GET_LEVEL(tch) >= LVL_IMMORT ? CCYEL(ch, C_SPR) : ""), 	<-----
              GET_LEVEL(tch), CLASS_ABBR(tch), GET_NAME(tch),		<-----
              GET_TITLE(tch));  					<-----

... yet I can't see myself when I log on.. the test version... it says 
"No-one at all!" when I type who.. any ideas?

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				The Realms of Luminari

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