Error in act.wizard.c / *NEWBIE?* Help with whogroup command

From: Carlos Rodriguez (
Date: 07/10/96

  I found there is a small error in act.wizard.c

  When you degrade someone, he is supossed to get the message "You 
feel somewhat diminished". However, it is you who receive the message. 
To correct this, find these lines in act.wizard.c, in do_advance:

*     send_to_char("You are momentarily enveloped by darkness!\r\n"
*                    "You feel somewhat diminished.\r\n", ch);

  and change them to:

*  act("You are momentarily enveloped by darkness!\r\n"
*      "You feel somewhat diminished.\r\n", FALSE, ch, 0, victim, TO_VICT);

  I told tou it was a small error.

  By the way, I'm trying to do a 'whogroup' command that would show which 
characters are grouped and who is the leader of each group. However, I 
don't know how can I manipulate the k->followers and k->master variables 
to show me all the groups in the MUD. Any ideas?

  Visita Agharti!!!                 |             	    Carlos Rodriguez  |
    crodrigu/Agharti/		    |

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