Re: [Newbie] [Code]

From: Travis Oakley (
Date: 10/15/96

answer to number 2...
the .diff files have specific line numbers to patch, and if you even 
added one line, you have to edit the patch file to the correct lines

On Mon, 14 Oct 1996, Allen Miles wrote:

> Hi there, I suppose I would be considered a newbie programmer.  I have a
> few questions:
> 1.  I have made a Paladin class and am working on Anti-Paladin's and
> Bard's.  My question is: how can I make it so that if a Paladin is not
> of good align, he/she loses the ability to cast spells and use skills?
> 2.  I have attempted to patch my code with the mobprograms patch from
> the circlemud ftp site many times but I always get tons of errors.  i
> was wondering if someone has a patched version of the patch.
> 3.  I also have implamented races but i cannot get classes to be race
> restricted.  I have looked at two people's codes and mine looks similar
> but it doesn't work.
> If anyone would be kind enough to take the time to look at my code, I
> will be more than happy to email my source files.
> <*-Allen Miles-*>
> Visit my home page :)
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