From: Doug Bora (
Date: 01/04/97

On Fri, 3 Jan 1997, Daniel Koepke wrote:

> [you know, I'm wishing majordomo was smart enough to not send mails to
>  subscribers of the list that are also included in the "To:" and "Cc:"
>  fields.  Not sure how it would be done, I'm far from versed in Perl,
>  but it'd be nice to be able to not have to change headers and be able
>  to know that your message is being received by the person you're
>  directing it to /and/ the list, without anyone receiving duplicates]

As I metioned in an earlier post, most lists that I'm on have a "Reply-To"
field, which in this case would be set to "".  This
line allows you to easily readdress mail to the list instead of the person
who wrote it.  I think it's just a configuration option, but I'm not
positive of that.  The "CC" shouldn't be used at all.

Doug Bora

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