Re: [Code][Newbie]

From: pjh (
Date: 01/05/97

my suggestion would be SET_BIT(AFF_FLAGS(ch), AFF_INFRAVISION)

*-=-=-=-=-=-=-=* w0nderful *-=-* w0rld *-=-* 0f *-=-* wart *-=-=-=-=-*
Eudaemonia Mud: Port 4000

On Sun, 5 Jan 1997, [ISO-8859-1] Elric of Melnibonč wrote:

> Simple question, I am in the process of adding races to my mud. And I am
> trying to figure out the easiest way to give a race infravision.  I have
> looked at the docs available at and have this question:
> in class.c where I add 
> switch(GET_RACE(ch)){
>     case RACE_ELF:
> 	++ch->real_abils.dex;
> would making the next line in the case statment read
>             af[0].bitvector = AFF_INFRAVISION;
> cause the character to have infravision from the get go?
> then in magic.c add a condition to the mag_affects so that the sell
> infravision cannot be cast on elves (this being so that if the spell is
> cast on them, when it expires the flag is not removed)
> If you feel you must flame me for my ignorance, please do so to my email
> address, not the list.
> 			Sincerely,
> 				Elric
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