Re: bpl12 Suggestions

From: Joshua Mentzer (mentzer@TEXAS.NET)
Date: 08/18/97

Jeremy Elson wrote:

> DELCARE ROOM 1000-1100;
> /* Defaults for rooms 1000 through 1040 */
> DEFINE ROOM 1000-1040 {
>   sector-type = indoors;
>   zone = 30;
>   flags = peaceful;
> };
> DEFINE ROOM 1001 {
>   flags += quiet;  /* Room 1001 is peaceful and quiet */
>   name = "The Big Room";
>   desc =
> "This room is so big you just can't believe it.  What's up with that?
> The room is just so huge that you can't even see the top of the walls.
> Wow.";
> };
> -Jeremy

   I think this would be a great idea, and as opposed to what some
people have been saying, putting it in this format I think will make it
easier and more humanly readable than the current format.
   I find that when I am building, and it is probably because I don't do
it very often, that I spend a lot of time looking to see what number or
flag goes where, and making sure I have placed everything correctly. All
of that would be gone, and it becomes easier to understand because the
builder would know what everything is quite easily, (name=,flags=,
position=, etc...).

all for such a format,

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