Re: Object damage code...

From: d. hall (dhall@APK.NET)
Date: 08/23/97

|// thus on Sat, 23 Aug 1997 17:41:39 -0500, Zizazat virtually wrote:

> Ok, after a week I am starting to become angry.  I added som enice object
> damage code, but the portion that deals with the examine does not
> work. (Code to follow). It is nearly identicaly to code added to the
> identify spell, and that part works just dandy. Someone, please, what am
> I overlooking?

I'll take a shot in teh dark here...

> (This was added after look_at_target)

>  if (IS_NPC(tmp_char) || !IS_NPC(tmp_char))
>     return;

>  if (GET_OBJ_TSLOTS(tmp_object) == 101) {

Is the word TSLOTS supposed to be there?  Is it supposed to be CSLOTS? vice

>         sprintf(buf, "This looks indestructable!\r\n");
>         send_to_char(buf, ch);
>     return;
>         }
>     if (GET_OBJ_CSLOTS(tmp_object) <= 10) {
>         sprintf(buf, "This looks in extremley poor condition.\r\n");
>         send_to_char(buf, ch);
>     return;


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