Re: Link dead pc's

From: Rasdan (rasdan@PEAK.ORG)
Date: 11/04/97

> G'Day.
>     in the code (around this line) -> act("$n has lost $s link.", TRUE,
> d->character, 0, 0, TO_ROOM); <-  players who are linkless (and
> *hopefully* in the void or whatever room is declared as the void...), is
> there a way to TOTALLY remove players from the game ?
> I don't want linkless players (ie. NEWBIE is standing here(linkless))
> hanging around.
> I also don't want a patch .. just some ideas like where to look. I was
> looking in close_socket, but am stumped.
> Any helpful suggestions please.
> Jussy

This already happens in limits.c, function: check_idling()

I can't give you the specific line #, because my file is too modified to
be recognizable.

Anyway, after 8 ticks, the char is sent to the void, and then after 48
ticks, the char is removed from the game.

Which reminds me, a good suggestion for bpl13:

Make these values settable with a #define at the top of limits.c

/* Change these values to modify how quickly the game extracts chars */

/* Change this value to determine how long must be idle before the char
 * is sent to the void.
#define TIME_VOID               8

/* Change this value to determine how long must be idle before the char
 * is extracted from the game.
#define TIME_CLOSE_SOCKET       48

/* Change this value to appropriate level that you wish timing out not to
 * occur. Leave at -1 if you wish timing out to occur as normal.

#define TIME_LEVEL_NOVOID       -1

In limits.c, where it calls check_idling -- point_update:


That way makes it very customizable (something that is desired), and any
implementor can modify these values without having to ask us :P


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