Re: [CODE] Help

From: Daniel Koepke (dkoepke@CALIFORNIA.COM)
Date: 12/05/97

On Fri, 5 Dec 1997, Chuck Reed wrote:

->char abil_desc_parse[] = {
->  "blah blah blah blah\r\n"
->  "blahblahblahblah\r\n"
->  "blah blah blah\r\n",
->  "\0"
->Now, a few questions.  "\0" == abil_desc_parse[1] right!?
->If this isn't right, Im just going all in the wrong direction (but i thought
->it was.)

Uhm, wrong.

  char *abil_desc_parse[] = {

abil_desc_parse[1] is "String1".  abil_desc_parse[3] is "\0" (but you
can't do "if (abil_desc_parse[3] == "\0") {" as that's invalid code
(you can't do string matching with a boolean operator [==, !=, etc.]).

  if (*abils_desc_parse[3] == '\0') {

is (should be) valid.  Three notes: C starts counting at zero, not
one. Thus, the first character of the first string is [0][0], not
[1][1].  The "\0" is not needed.  I don't think any Circle functions
look for it (I thought search_block() looked for '\n').  And, I
believe you have char arrays and char POINTER arrays confused.  The
following is a char array:

  char array[] = { "Hello.\r\n" }

and indexing that array will give you a single character (array[0] is
'H').  The following is a char pointer array:

  char *array[] = { "Hello", "there" };

and indexing it will return a char pointer (to a string constant;
thus, array[0] is "Hello").

daniel koepke /

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