Re: C Interpreter engine

From: Akuma/Chris Baggett/DOOMer (doomer@BAYOU.COM)
Date: 02/03/98

At 09:20 PM 2/2/98 -0900, you wrote:
>What I seek from this message is ideas on where it would be useful, and if
>sufficient interest exists, to post the code.

  I have interest in it,  of course I can't access hqx/sea
archives b/c I don't have a Mac machine, so if possible
and if it's not too large, send it to me via private e-mail or
something along those lines,  I wouldn't mind seeing this, b/c
I've been trying to find a way to create on-the-fly code.

anyway, i'd appreciate it.


has anyone found a decent use for the idea behind
DG's  UID_CHAR  stuff?
it's used mainly in the find_char/obj/room functions
and works like this (stock):
Char's Id = Idnum  and Idnum's are allowed up to ROOM_ID_BASE
which is 50000 stock.  from there, ROOM_ID_BASE to max_id default
 (100k stock)
is the ROOM_ID_BASE+Real Room Vnum (rnum)
ie,  Limbo (vnum 1, rnum 1)  would have an ID of
(stock) 50001.  In the DG code i've
seen a few good uses of these, but i've already created
my own way of doing this.  for example,
stock perform_wear won't equip you with a GRAB item, or a WIELD item
(i don't believe so anyway) so I just added that ability, whereas
DG used do_weild(ch, buf, 0, 0);  with buf being
UID_CHAR (\e) and then the ID number.

I haven't found any other good uses.  Only good use I see is
being able to have access to a specific mob/object through
function calls.

anyway, that's my question.  Have a good day, all.

Code On
Akuma the Raging Coder

  | "The poets talk about love, but what I talk about is DOOM, |
  |      because in the end, DOOM is all that counts." -       |
  |   Alex Machine/George Stark/Stephen King, The Dark Half    |
  |        "Nothing is IMPOSSIBLE, Just IMPROBABLE"            |
  |   "Easier Said Than Done, But Better Done Than Said..."    |

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