[WIN95] [long] problems with saving aliases snippet

From: Andreas Hellström (crodo@SOLACE.MH.SE)
Date: 02/15/98

I'm having problem with Edward Almasy's snippet for saving players' aliases.
It worked in Linux, but not in Win95. I have tried to mail Edward, but his
e-mail address doesn't work, so I'm hoping to get some help here.

When I first compiled my mud in Win95 with the new alias.c file I got this

        cl -c /nologo /I. /IC:\PROGRAM\DEVSTUDIO\VC\INCLUDE alias.c
alias.c(17) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'unistd.h': No such f
ile or directory
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'C:\PROGRAM\DEVSTUDIO\VC\BIN\cl.exe' : ret
urn code '0x2'

Ok, I removed the line #include <unistd.h> and then it compiled succesfully.
But the mud crashed when I typed SAVE to save my aliases. (surprise! :-)
The <unistd.h> don't seem to work under Win95. What shall I include
instead? Or is it some other way to fix this error?

Hope you can help me. Below are my alias.c file and my ACMD(do_save)-

/********************* alias.c *******************/
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include "conf.h"
#include "sysdep.h"
#include "structs.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "interpreter.h"

void write_aliases(struct char_data *ch)
    FILE         *ptFHndl;
    char          pcFileName[127];
    struct alias *pstAliasRec;
    char         *pcRepStart;

    /* get name of alias file */
    get_filename(GET_NAME(ch), pcFileName, ALIAS_FILE);

    /* remove old alias file */

    /* if no aliases */
    if (!GET_ALIASES(ch))
        /* abort */

    /* open new alias file */
    ptFHndl = fopen(pcFileName,"wt");

    /* while there are alias records left */
    pstAliasRec = GET_ALIASES(ch);
    while (pstAliasRec)
        /* write out command */
        fprintf(ptFHndl, "%d\n", strlen(pstAliasRec->alias));
        fprintf(ptFHndl, "%s\n", pstAliasRec->alias);

        /* remove leading spaces on replacement */
        pcRepStart = pstAliasRec->replacement;
        while (*pcRepStart == ' ') pcRepStart++;

        /* write out replacement */
        fprintf(ptFHndl, "%d\n", strlen(pcRepStart));
        fprintf(ptFHndl, "%s\n", pcRepStart);
        fprintf(ptFHndl, "%d\n", pstAliasRec->type);

        /* move to next alias record */
        pstAliasRec = pstAliasRec->next;

    /* close new alias file */

void read_aliases(struct char_data *ch)
    char          pcFileName[127];
    FILE         *ptFHndl;
    struct alias *pstAliasRec;
    int           iLen;

    /* get alias file name */
    get_filename(GET_NAME(ch), pcFileName, ALIAS_FILE);

    /* open alias file */
    ptFHndl = fopen(pcFileName, "r");

    /* if file open failed */
    if (ptFHndl == NULL)
        /* abort */

    /* create initial alias record */
    CREATE(pstAliasRec, struct alias, 1);
    GET_ALIASES(ch) = pstAliasRec;

    /* while not end of alias file */
    while (!feof(ptFHndl))
        /* read in length of command */
        fscanf(ptFHndl, "%d\n", &iLen);

        /* allocate command string */
        CREATE(pstAliasRec->alias, char, (iLen + 2));

        /* read in command */
        fgets(pstAliasRec->alias, (iLen+1), ptFHndl);

        /* read in length of replacement */
        fscanf(ptFHndl, "%d\n", &iLen);

        /* allocate replacement string */
        CREATE(pstAliasRec->replacement, char, (iLen + 3));
        *pstAliasRec->replacement = ' ';;

        /* read in replacement */
        fgets((pstAliasRec->replacement + 1), (iLen+1), ptFHndl);

        /* read in type */
        fscanf(ptFHndl, "%d\n", &pstAliasRec->type);

        /* if there are aliases left to read */
        if (!feof(ptFHndl))
            /* create new alias record and link into chain */
            CREATE(pstAliasRec->next, struct alias, 1);
            pstAliasRec = pstAliasRec->next;
            pstAliasRec->next = NULL;
    /* close alias file */

/****************** act.other.c ********************/
  void write_aliases(struct char_data *ch);

  if (IS_NPC(ch) || !ch->desc)

  if (cmd) {
    sprintf(buf, "Saving %s (including aliases).\r\n", GET_NAME(ch));
    send_to_char(buf, ch);

  save_char(ch, NOWHERE);
  if (ROOM_FLAGGED(ch->in_room, ROOM_HOUSE_CRASH))

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