Re: Ascii Pfiles

From: George (
Date: 01/26/99

On Tue, 26 Jan 1999, Nick Stout wrote:

>Okay. I have a copy of CircleMUD bpl12, and it has ascii pfiles in it.
>(not 2.0, because 2.0 is incompatible with bpl12).
>To make a long story short, when characters delete themselves, and
>restart, it assigns them a new id, and keeps the OLD id in the
>plr_index. This then screws up the mail system, and it makes the mud
>unstable. Is there any way of "erasing" the player if they delete
>themself? Or... Does anyone have that "Ascii Pfile v2.0 for bpl12"

Your ID bug is fixed in a later patchlevel.  Of course, there's a whole lot
more fixed too. :)

George Greer

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