Re: Saving Dg

From: George (
Date: 03/03/99

>>every time i do that it says opps i forgot what you wanted to save

On Wed, 3 Mar 1999, Tony Robbins wrote:

>DG Scripts are automatically saved to disk.  You might be e-mailing because
>you're rebooting and the triggers are "gone."
>Well, they aren't gone.
>Make sure you have a <zone number>.zon line in your lib/world/trg/index
>(before the $), so that they are loaded at boot.
>Once again, DG Scripts save to disk when you edit.

That message appears when people don't patch olc.c properly.

    if (subcmd >= 0 && subcmd <= 4)     /* See notice at top of file. */
      type = olc_scmd_info[subcmd].text;
    else {
      send_to_char("Oops, I forgot what you wanted to save.\r\n", ch);

George Greer

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