[CODE] Odd "24" bug

From: Robert Moon (LegalWriter@earthlink.net)
Date: 08/12/99

I have an odd bug that has infectected two completely different several
areas of my MUD -- both pertaining to the number 24.  I am using 3.0pl15
with 128 bit vector code, DG scripts pl7a (packaged with OLC), and lots of
other enhancements.

The first instance of the "24" bug occurs when a player wearing a container
with objects, such as a backpack, quits the game.  When he returns, his
"carried weight" is 24 pounds heavier.  The encumbrance goes up and up and
up with each quit-and-return.

The second instance of the "24" bug interferes with the
redit_save_to_disk(int zone) function in OLC.  When a builer enters the
command "redit save 30", all edited rooms for zone 30 should be saved to
disk.  This call is handled in ACMD(do_olc) under the case statement of
SCMD_OLC_REDIT.  The exact line is:


The value of OLC_ZNUM(d) is usually the second argument in the "save redit
<zone #>" command and should be the zone number in which all rooms are to
be saved.  However, the value of OLC_ZNUM(d) is being reduced by 24 before
the function is even called!  So every time someone tries to save rooms in
zone 30, the function saves rooms in zone 6; every time someone tries to
save rooms in zone 31, the function saves rooms in zone 7; etc.

The other 4 xxx_save_to_disk calls (zedit, oedit, medit, and sedit)
function perfectly.  Only the redit_ function is being passed values
reduced by 24.

Is there any significance to the number 24?  The only thing I can think of
are the thrist/hunger flags, but they are so far removed from equipment and
OLC features.  Any insight into this troubling bug are most appreciated!

ICQ:  14598527

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