Re: Mailing List Archive

From: Alex (
Date: 08/21/99

> maybe someone have already solve this problem but i cannot check the
> archive of ml... give me the address for the archive i will really
> apprecciate.
If you'd *Bothered* to take the time to read *any* of the mail that
you were sent when you signed onto the list, or even bothered to read
the FAQ that is mentioned in *every* single message on the mailing list,
(in the little box right at the bottom), then you wouldn't need to ask
such stupid questions.

>      | Ensure that you have read the CircleMUD Mailing List FAQ:  |
>      |  |

Please take the time to *read* information that is given to you, otherwise
people will feel *no* motivation to help you.

CircleMUD has one of the largest archives of material available in terms
of source, help documents, and FAQs, so please take advantage of it.


     | Ensure that you have read the CircleMUD Mailing List FAQ:  |
     |  |

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