Re: bad emails

From: Chris Gilbert (
Date: 02/01/00

"Daniel A. Koepke" wrote:
> On Mon, 31 Jan 2000, Alex wrote:
> > I think that has at least Michael Seifert's
> > email address on it.
> D'oh, I wonder why that didn't occur to me?  Probably post-commute brain
> trauma.

because is a porno site?  I think was
really meant, or has diku had some sort of strange derivative ;)

> > Well, according to the license, you are supposed to inform them if
> > you put a mud online.
> True.  But somehow I don't think they'd like to get e-mail from the 20 new
> DikuMuds per day.  Correct me if I'm wrong here, of course, but I seem to
> recall one of the devleopers stating it wasn't necessary.

I'd imagine it was for when diku originally started it seemed sensible
as not many ppl had access to a server etc to set up a mud.

> > Damn.  I feel weird not having a 'real' address.
> Look at it this way, you're a rebel, an individual.  You're making a
> statement.  "I am Furry, hear me roar," sort of thing.

I am Borg?


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