Re: [Newbie][Help] I came across several problems.

From: Artovil (
Date: 02/05/02

At 04:13 2002-02-05 -0800, Abraham Dizon wrote:
>Now when I try entering the game,
>it crashes. I checked the syslog.crash file but I found nothing wrong. The
>circle.exestackdump file didn't help me much cause I couldn't locate exactly
>what was causing the crash, but I believe it was from changing the vnums for
>the loadrooms. I kept a backup copy just incase hehe. But how do I change
>the vnums without having a MUD crash?

Make sure that room 1000 really exists (and loads) in the lib dir that you
use when you execute the bin/circle file, or it will most certainly crash
when you try to enter the game.

>My next problem is mob names. For instance say that a mobs/players name was
>iwantaeatchaboy. Obvisouly that would take too long to type kill
>iwantaeatchaboy. How do I make it so all I have to do is type part of the
>mobs/players name. Like kill iwa; kill iwant; kill boy; kill eat; and etc...
>Need some help with that hehe.

Look up abbreviation code on the developer site. (Prolly in utils)

>Last but least. Where is the rent/offer command? I can't find those two
>things out of the whole CircleMUD code. Which file is it in? *.c, *.h,
>etc... I want to change the message that you receive when you rent. Well
>thats all. Any help is welcome. Thanks.

It is in objsave.c I think (I hope that file is stock, or the laugh is on me)

I recommend you use either grep:
grep -n "rent" *.[ch]
Or an application like MSVC or EditPlus, that has the capability to search
in files.
Would work by just using the internal search in some Windows versions as well.

Kind regards,

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