Item Decay

From: Ronald Fenner (
Date: 03/20/02

Was thinking that Items should have decay timer set on them so that
after a period of time if no one has picked it up out of the room then
it gets extracted and no longer takes up memory.
This of course would only apply to items put in the room by players or
from a corpse decaying. The timer would be reset any time the object is
picked up. While there are janitor and scavenger procs the mobs that
they are set on may not be in every zone and may not hit every room.

Yeah I suppose memory use really isn't much of a problem on small muds
but large muds it would probably be more of an issue. Anyways wouldn't
be all that hard to add as i've already done a quick hack to do it (but
not the best way to do it) and would make a nice memory friendly
addition to the code base.


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