
From: Aaron C. Paulley (paulley@primenet.com)
Date: 07/08/95

Howdy!  My name's Aaron Paulley.  Just joined the list and I hope to gain 
something from it.  I have a few questions about Circle; some may be 
infantile compared to the list, I don't know.

First of all, is there a COMPLETE FAQ on Circle?  I've found little files 
here and there, but is there a COMPLETE, tell-all FAQ anywhere?  I'm 
having trouble getting my copy to run in local mode.  None of the docs I 
have address what's happening.

Actually, that's all I have to ask.  If I can't find the info I need from 
a doc, I'll ask it here.  (I really don't want to be slammed as "newbie".)

Well, thanks!  Later!

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 ____paulley@primenet.com - http://www.primenet.com/~paulley__________/ |

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