Re: [Coding] Levels / THAC0 and MAX_LEARNED

From: Daniel Koepke (
Date: 01/03/97

On Fri, 3 Jan 1997, Robert Ward wrote:

> 1)  Is there anyway to implement THAC0's of less than 1 in class.c?
> I've read building.doc and it mentions THAC0 bottoming out at 0 but
> browsing through the stock code I see that for pc's it seems to stop
> at 1.  What I'd like to do is add some -x for the higher level warrior
> classes.

To my knowledge, there's no actual coded restriction.  Try it and
find out.

> 2)  My next question is concerning MAX_LEARNED in class.c.  I'm looking
> for a way to base the max learned level on class and the particular 
> skill.  I don't think that a cleric who can learn second attack should
> be able to get Subperb while a Fighter with the same skill can only get
> to good.

Change spell_level to accept the max learned for that class and
add the following to the spell structure:

  int max_learned[NUM_CLASSES];

I guess you'd change spell_level(), spello(), and unused_spell()
as follows:

  void spell_level(int spell, int class, int level, int max) {
    . put all the code up to the section below here
    if (level < 1 || level > LVL_IMPL) {
      sprintf(buf, "SYSERR: assigning '%s' to illegal level %d",
              skill_name(spell), level);

    if (max < 10 || max > 100) {
      sprintf(buf, "SYSERR: spell '%s', class %d, illegal max of %d",
              skill_name(spell), class, max);

    if (!bad) {
      spell_info[spell].min_level[class] = level;
      spell_info[spell].max_learned[class] = max;

Now for spello() and unused_spell(), we change the 'for' loop from:

  for (i = 0; i < NUM_CLASSES; i++)
    spell_info[spl].min_level[i] = LVL_IMPL+1;

  for (i = 0; i < NUM_CLASSES; i++) {
    spell_info[spl].min_level[i] = LVL_IMPL+1;
    spell_info[spl].max_learned[i] = 100;

Now, go through class.c and change the calls to spell_level() to
conform (don't forget to change the prototype in spells.h for the 
function to corespond with the) change to the number of arguments.
Afterwhich, change the guild code in spec_procs.c to use the
max_learned in the spell_info[] table, instead of the classes.
When you've done all of that, you can get away with removing the
maximum learned from prac_params[][] (eg., making it 
prac_params[3][NUM_CLASSES] instead of prac_params[4][NUM_CLASSES]
and delete the first line of it :)).  You'll need to go back into
spec_procs.c to account for the change.  Even thought it's rather
troublesome to change prac_params when it's unneccessary, it does
help keep the code clean.  And from a lot of experience, here, when
you don't keep your code clean, you eventually get tangled in it
and have strange side-affects in newer code that you can't find and
crashes where there couldn't logically be crashes, etc.  While these
odd side-affects most likely would not result from leaving
prac_params as is, it does help to get yourself in the habbit of
cleaning up after you've obsoleted some code.

Daniel Koepke
Forgive me father, for I am sin.

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