Re: [off-topic] Clans / Quests

From: Raf (
Date: 01/19/97

>  Heh.. do i feel foolish asking this question. Basically i was hoping someone
> could give me a good example of a quest.. or clan that they have been in/on.
> I've been MUDding for the last year and a bit now (not long i know).. and most
> of that was spent on one MUD which wasn't quest orientated.. and the clans were
> virtually non-existant (except for a few just stuck it in thier title). Im
> pretty confident that i can code my own quest/clan systems in, but was hoping
> people could tell me what sort of things they would expect or like from them?..
> any help would be greatly appreciated.
Well, this is a quest I made up, altho it may be a bit dangerous for 
your mud. I know it was for mine :)

Its called 'Eliminator', and all the quest players are transferred 
into an extremely high level aggr area. Basically, last one alive 
wins. My area is usually Ice Wall or Earthsea, which both have level 
80+ mobs who ultraslay every hit. The longest this game ever took was 
4 minutes, with 10 players. However, the prize is usually a hard to 
get piece of EQ.

Another one is Find The Imm, where an immortal goes wizinvis, and 
hides in a room. The immortal will give out clues to his 
whereabouts...Pretty simple, and not really worth a big prize.

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 opponent dissappear."
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