Re: [CODE][irc colors][Newbie]

From: Shane (wolff@J51.COM)
Date: 07/29/97

#> Okay this is really a dumb question but I'm stumped on it (new to
#> coding) I ported the mud over to irc. Well I am trying to change the
#> color system over to use no color, ansi color, or mirc colors (the ansi
#> and mirc use different color codes) my question is how do I do this? I
#> would like to be able to use the same screen.h (but change it to use the
#> levels) I want to just change the users color (none, sparce, normal,
#> complete) to none, mirc, ansi. And have it just print the code for what
#> they have chosen. If this makes any sence. Anyone out there try this
#> yet?

  Ok what I would suggest doing it taking a look at bitchX script crackrock.
Its the only client that supports mirc colors for UNIX. I can email it to
you if you want.

 ____  _
/ ___|| |__   __ _ _ __   ___   -%-   Shane Wolff (
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 ___) | | | | (_| | | | |  __/  -%-   URL:
|____/|_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|\___|  -%-   PGP: finger

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