Re: An uncommon problem...

From: George (greerga@DRAGON.HAM.MUOHIO.EDU)
Date: 09/29/97

On Sun, 28 Sep 1997, Hans H. Hjort wrote:

>it.  My image of a scrambling system is where a percentage of the words
>are scrambled, and some are left clear.  The player may be able to guess
>what the missing words are.  He can't be sure he is right.  Each system

After this thread, I'm glad I simply rearrange the order of words in
drunken speech.  It works great and is pretty funny usually.  The other
good part is that it is random everytime.

Someone says '1 2 3 4 5'
Someone says '3 1 2 5 4'
Someone says '5 3 4 2 1'
Someone says '2 4 3 1 5'

George Greer  -   | Genius may have its limitations, but stupidity | is not thus handicapped. -- Elbert Hubbard

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