Um, possible bug

From: CircadiaŠ Adminstrator (
Date: 11/22/98


I am writing regarding an OLC bug that I'm facing on my mud.
Whenever someone is doing OLC (redit, medit, oedit, sedit, zedit,
hedit, aedit, board writing, mailing)...what ever it is that's
gotta do with OLC, then he/she gets disconnected in real life,
but the character remains connected on the mud and when he/she
tries to re-login, it is impossible.

By what name do you wish to be known? Mynick
Invalid name, please try another.
Name: Mynic
Invalid name, please try another.

It goes on and on until someone DCs that character's link.
Does anybody know what's wrong with it and any possible fix will
be gladly appreciated.

Best Regards.

More to come: Buffer Overflows

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