Re: NEWBIE: configure problems

From: Patrik Bjorklund (
Date: 03/21/99

>From: Jess Heinig <>
>Reply-To: Circle Discussion List <>
>Subject:  NEWBIE: configure problems
>Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 16:58:59 -0500
>  First post and I'm already starting with the dumb questions.
>  Since I'm cheap and I'm spending money on hardware instead of a
>compiler, I'm using freeware to compile a copy of Circle 3.0. It
>help that I'm a Unix retard.
>  I'm using Cygwin GNU-Win32, the Unix emulator for Windows. I've got
>their version 20.0, and I've managed to set up my /bin and /tmp
>correctly despite their name changes to some of the paths. I've got the
>Cygwin bin executables directory mounted to "/bin." I get "sh
>./configure" up and running, and it goes through all the checks,
>finishes everything up, then ends with a mournful "./configure:
>not found" message that keeps me from getting anywhere.
>  Once I can get past this and the make, I can probably do fine since
>I'm OK with gcc . . . I just suck at Unix and can't figure out what I'm
>doing wrong here. Any help/flames/comments would be most welcome.
>Jess Heinig
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Ummm i solved that one by editing configure in the circle30bpl14
directory and changing all bin/sh stuff i could find to binary/sh thne i
created a dir on the harddrive named binary and put all the files in
there... Then it worked... (atleast the configure)

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