Re: [code][newbie]A shutdown timer..or any timer for that matter.

From: Daniel A. Koepke (
Date: 03/30/99

On Tue, 30 Mar 1999, Patrick Dughi wrote:

>         I'd just say, create one global time_t variable, set it to 0 on
> startup.  If it's ever > than 0, then check and see if time(0) is greater
> than it, and if so, shutdown now.  Your interface would be the most
> difficult part, and if it's a hardship, I recommend just doing something
> like allowing shutdown to have a minute argument.

Or just make circle_shutdown contain the number of seconds until the game
should go down, and change the main game loop to,

  while (circle_shutdown != 0) {

and in heartbeat(),

  if (circle_shutdown > 0 && !(pulse % PASSES_PER_SEC))

In do_shutdown(), we'd set circle_shutdown like,

  circle_shutdown = atoi(second argument);

We may also want to extend our addition to heartbeat() to warn players
about the pending shutdown.  Forgive the pseudo-code,

  if (circle_shutdown > 0 && !(pulse % PASSES_PER_SEC)) {
    if (circle_shutdown == 5 || circle_shutdown == 15)
      send everyone circle_shutdown "seconds remaining until shutdown."
    else if (circle_shutdown == 30)
      send everyone "half a minute until shutdown remaining."
    else if (circle_shutdown == 60 || circle_shutdown == 300 ||
             circle_shutdown == 600 || circle_shutdown = 900)
      send everyone circle_shutdown / 2 "minutes left until shutdown."


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