Re: [Code][Long] Clan Snafu

From: Xual (
Date: 08/02/99

On Sun, 1 Aug 1999, Bo Young wrote:

> >What I would do, if I were you, is to set the clan data to be an int and
> >then use an index to reference the name of the clan. Just like what is done
> >for class. A person's class is not stored as "cleric" it is stored as "0"
> >and then you do something like: class_types[GET_CLASS(ch)] to get the word
> >"cleric".
> Right, but, the clan name would have to be hard coded like you do when you
> create a class name. Thus not allowing realtime clan creation.  Any work
> arounds.


"Misery is boundless"
        -Xual the Torturer, on the Eve of the Sundering.

Danathara Online RPG

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