From: Larry and Debbie-Lyn Robinson (
Date: 03/07/00

From: "Zeavon" <>

> On Mon, 6 Mar 2000, Larry and Debbie-Lyn Robinson wrote:
> >
> > For the record:
> >
> >     The error was .... <drum roll>
> >
> >
> > an extra ~ in the description for D0 of one room.
> >
> Fix:


> Use it right after someone finishes editing a detailed description of a
> room, mob, object, exit, whatever... If you're using ASCII pfiles and use
> ~ as a terminator, make sure that you call it then too.
> As a rule of thumb, I just have it call it everytime a person exits the
> improved editor.

Uh, this does nothing to help things, as it will remove ALL tilde from the
file, and the non-extra are required (stock Circle world file format, and
all).  The fact we are editing by hand does not help matters, I know,
however ...

Aspiring Galactic Overlord

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