Re: Modulizing "Added Spells, Skills, Commands, etc"

From: Treker (
Date: 08/19/00

> >This method could still be modified--by creating a vector full of skills,
> >their effects, how long they last, etc in each position of the vector
> >(each position=new skill).  Since vectors are dynamic, the eof() member
> >function could be used to detect how many spells are currently in use and
> >dynamically assign the spells during interpretation.
> I tried doing something similar once, putting all of the spells into a
> 'struct' instead of the 'switch' blocks but ultimately gave up as
> there are
> too many differences, special cases, and tests to take care of to make it
> practical.
> >While the spells/commands/skills adding system may be near optimal right
> >now, I think that it should become so easy that eventually spells will be
> >stored in a file and loaded, so that they can be edited by an external
> >program (ie: circedit 2001 [hypothetically])
> Manual spells you probably could using libdl and dynamic loading.  You'd
> probably want to extend that to have commands and just about everything
> else later.
> >Commands added by an admin (imo) should be separated from most of the
> >Circle code--in their own source file, for example, thus preventing the
> >need to manually upgrade the code later to a higher patch level because
> >the DIFF program doesn't recognize the code.  But that's just my opinion,
> >I could be wrong.
> You have the code, do what you want. :)
> We already have class.c and spells.c for that sort of thing.  Feel free to
> make up your own source code files if you want to add things and not
> conflict.
> --
> George Greer

I'll do it anyway, I'm just sharing my ideas, so that others may benefit as

BTW, has anyone succeeded in using the race_body patch in the contrib
section (without having to manually go through and patch it)?


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