Re: [Newbie] void list_one_char

From: Kras Kresh (
Date: 05/28/02

>From: Dr J Slate <>
>Subject: [CIRCLE] [Newbie] void list_one_char
>Date: Tue, 28 May 2002 18:28:36 -0400
>In void list_one_char(...) (which is in act.informative) one will find the
>strcat(buf, i->player.long_descr);
>     send_to_char(buf, ch);
>       act("...$e glows with a bright light!", FALSE, i, 0, ch, TO_VICT);
>     if (AFF_FLAGGED(i, AFF_BLIND))
>       act("...$e is groping around blindly!", FALSE, i, 0, ch, TO_VICT);
>The former "glows with..." is working find on my mud, but the latter does
>not.  I discovered this while adding an entirely different bit that would
>set AFF_ILLUSION.  Neither the "is groping around blindly" nor my "is
>surrounded by false images" appears in a room when a character is blinded
>under the effect of "illusion".  I've removed the if statement for
>AFF_ILLUSION and am now running the game with the above code.  Still,  "is
>groping around blindly!" does not appear to others when someone is indeed
>blinded.  (I've tested this several times.)

Those two above are repeated in the NPC check and at the end of the
function. Well.. seems I've mistaken. You put illusion right after
blindness. That is fine. What you fail to have done is go to the end of the
function and put it there as well. In stock circle, players don't seem to be
able to be seen as blinded and groping. Just add the blindness and illusion
at the end and you're set.

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